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New Member Application

Each year we publish a congregational directory that is strictly for use by our members.  We will include your name, address, and home phone number automatically.  If you would like us to also include the email address and cell phone number for each adult in your family, please check the appropriate box next to that information below.

Ohev Shalom offers opportunities for religious fulfillment as well as opportunities to develop social and personal relationships. We are committed to meeting the varied needs of our members and our community. As a new member you will be contacted to discuss your needs and interests. 
Financial Commitment 
All first-time members are given free dues for one year. 
Each member of our congregation supports the activities of our synagogue in accordance with his/ her ability to pay. Dues are based upon the individual or family's gross income. All members receive the same privileges of membership regardless of dues category. The philosophy of Ohev Shalom is to welcome all members of our congregation regardless of their ability to pay. In cases of financial hardship, adjustments can be arranged by written application made to the Dues Adjustment Committee. All communications regarding dues are strictly confidential. 

  • Kehillah Discount (families with at least one child enrolled in Kehillah Early Learning Center receive a 10% discount on dues amount - does not apply to Young Member or Chaver)
  • Young Member Rate ( oldest adult less than 36 years old on July 1 of current year)
  • $425 for singles regardless of income category
  • $630 for a family regardless of income category
  • Chaver Membership $575. If you live outside our area of service (50 miles) or belong to another congregation.
In order to maintain our beautiful building and grounds, each new member is required to make a building fund pledge in the amount of $750.00. This may be paid in installments over a 5 year period. As a new member, you may choose to start this immediately or defer this until your second year. 

After their building fund pledge is completed, all members of the congregation then contribute to a building improvement/ preservation fund This annual contribution is $ 72.00 for a single adult and $100.00 maximum per family.
Leadership has taken significant steps to protect our congregation with the latest action step of retaining an
armed security guard for Shabbat services and when our children are attending Hebrew School. Your dues
invoice will reflect a security fee (5% of your dues) that was authorized by Board of Directors to support this

Many years ago, Ohev Shalom’s Board of Directors instituted an assessment in lieu of raising dues at that time. They gave members two options: 1) Pay the assessment. 2) Earn credit to reduce the assessment by
purchasing scrip (also known as gift cards). The current assessment is $30 for an individual and $60 for a
family. If you choose to participate in the scrip program, and we hope you do, you will be able to eliminate the scrip fee just by purchasing $1,000 worth of gift cards for a single person or $2,000 for a family. Three percent (3%) of your purchases will be credited towards your account. This is at absolutely no cost to you. If you purchase a $100 gift card, that card is good for $100 to spend at that store. Ohev receives a small cash contribution from the vendor that can be as much as 10% or more. You can purchase scrip from the office or, for a wider choice of stores, go to and purchase scrip electronically. Call the office if you have questions or if you need help getting started. However, if you have some valid reason for not participating in the program, please contact the synagogue office. Your explanation will be carefully considered.


FRIENDS OF THE SEMINARY: The members of all United Synagogue congregations are urged to participate in a voluntary contribution in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The Seminary, located in New York City, is the training ground for Conservative Rabbis and Cantors who serve the Jewish community throughout the world. It also trains Jewish educators, with Masters and Ph.D. programs as well as undergraduate program, List College of Jewish Studies, which offers joint degrees with either Barnard College or Columbia University. The highly successful Camp Ramah program is run by the Seminary. Each member is encouraged to contribute $18.00 per year. Your monthly statement will reflect your participation in this program. 

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785