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Venue Menu Sponsorship

*All amounts shown above in excess of $100 per ticket received are tax-deductible, subject to IRS Regulations on Charitable Contributions. Please consult your tax adviser.
   Shabbat Dinner—Friday, March 31 at 6 PM
   Mah Jongg—Sunday, April 16 from 1–4 pm
   Baking Rugelach—Sunday, April 23 from 10 am–12 pm
   The Big Venbowski—Sunday, April 23 from 7–10:30 pm
   Havdalah—Saturday, April 29 from 7 pm
   Yoga—Sunday, April 30 from 9–11 am
   Ohev Women in the Arts—Sunday, April 30 from 1–4 pm
   Bike n’ Brunch—Sunday, May 7 at 9:30 am biking, 11:30 am brunch
   Shabbat Walk & Brunch—Saturday May 13 from 12–3 pm
   Poker Night—Saturday, May 13 from 9 pm
   Dance Party with DJ—Saturday, May 20 at 8 pm
   Piano Concert—Sunday, May 21 from 1–4 pm
   Brunch on the Deck—Sunday June 4 at 11:30 amScott Stroll and Brunch - Sunday, June 11 10AM-2PM is SOLD OUT!
Please send us your message/advertisement copy by Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Electronically (Preferred): 
Ad Format:  Resolution 240 DPI or higher   File Types:  MS Word, JPG, TIF, EPS, or Press-ready PDF
Hard copy accepted if digital copy not available

Note: If you would like to submit a business card, we can adjust it to fit any size ad.

Via email:


Upload your file in the box below: 


By Mail:

Venue Menu
c/o Congregation Ohev Shalom
2 Chester Road
Wallingford, PA 19086


Congregants:  If you want to charge your donation to your account, you MUST be logged into ShulCloud. If your name appears in the upper right corner of this screen then you can click on the submit button below.  You will be taken to the payment page and you can select "Bill My Account."

If your name does not appear in the upper right corner of your ShulCloud screen, that means you are not logged in. If you click on the submit button, you will only see options to pay by credit card or electronic transfer. Please contact Missy for assistance.

If you wish to pay by check, please download the form here:  Venue Menu RSVP

If you wish to pay using a credit card or ACH transfer, please select the Submit button below.
Please note that there is a 3% processing fee added for all electronic payments.
Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785